Supply Chain Finance
Connections create new opportunities
In a world constantly connected, every link brings infinite possibilities. Infuse new vitality into the entire supply chain with the robust credit of large corporations.
SME supplier
Short-term funding at low interest rates
In a world constantly connected, every link brings infinite possibilities.
Infuse new vitality into the entire supply chain with the robust credit of large corporations.
Leverage credit of creditworthy buyer
Financial institution can offer lower interest rate
SME supplier can get working capital with lower interest rate
Financial institution
Resolve each risk

at one time
Small and medium-sized suppliers are not easy to handle in financial institutions. The low creditworthness and small transaction size of individual SMEs pose high risks to financial institutions. Fin2B easily solves financial institutions’ concerns about SMEs by linking large purchasing companies that do business with SME between the two.
Financial institution
Low risk, high return
Financial institutions lend funds to SMEs at interest rates higher than the creditworthiness of large corporations that are the subject of repayment.
In this case, you can secure additional profits by the difference between the interest rate applied to the creditworthiness of large corporations and the interest rate actually applied to small and medium-sized suppliers.